words to draw by

Words to Draw by


The Fakulty here at Sketchbook Skool provide a wealth of knowledge when it comes to drawing techniques, styles, and tools. In addition to these more practical pieces of information, the inspiration our instructors provide is what sets Sketchbook Skool apart from your typical online course.

Students often take quotes from different klasses and turn them into wonderful works of art thanks to some tips on hand-lettering from Seeing or ideas about composition from Beginning. Below, we have pulled together some of the words of our fakulty members that really get people drawing!

Inspiring words to draw by

You can’t control a drawing, it takes you where it wants you to go. And what a great surprise that is.\
—Veronica Lawlor

Keep it simple, stupid!\
—Koosje Koene

There are stories all around us in everyday life\
—Melanie Reim

Do not to wait until you have a nice idea for drawing.\
—Jean-Christophe Defline

Little moments are often the best memories.\
—Danny Gregory

Each day when you draw you learn something new.\
—Brenda Swenson

All you really need is something to draw ON and something to draw WITH.\
—Cathy Johnson

Just pick up a pen and go!\
—Andrea Joseph

Wonky circles are a fact of life – just get over it … and keep working.\
—Liz Steel

We are our own worst critics. Don’t over analyze your work. It’s only a drawing and I’m sure it’s wonderful.\
—Prashant Miranda

Art heals.\
—Jane LaFazio

Don’t aim for a perfect picture—it’s practice, go with the flow.\
—Roz Stendahl

Rewards come from doing difficult things.\
—Tommy Kane

There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.\
—Bob Ross (Okay so Bob Ross never taught for Sketchbook Skool… but plenty of fakulty members have referenced this quote so we think it’s quite important!)

If you ever find yourself wondering what to draw, simply choose a quote from above, or anywhere else, and draw it. Putting these words on the page of a sketchbook not only gets your ink flowing, but will give you something to return to the next time you need a bit of inspiration.

And if you liked any of these, there’s quite a bit more where they came from. Sign up for a Sketchbook Skool kourse today for more inspiration!

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