Where do you make art? That’s what we asked the Sketchbook Skool fakulty members, and our teachers are giving us a great variety of responses and workspaces. To start, take a look at Sketchbook Skool co-founder Danny Gregory’s studio (and please note his assistants, Tim and Joe).
Here’s another view of Danny’s studio space, sketched this time (very appropriate for an art teacher!).
Virginia Woolf wrote that in order to write fiction, a woman would need a room of her own. Apparently you don’t need much space to make art. Sketchbook Skool teacher Prashant Miranda travels constantly, so he isn’t working with a dedicated studio space right now. He sent us this photo of where he’s working at a friend’s studio in Bangalore, India.
Even moving around a lot, Prash manages to create beautiful books like his latest, The Case of the Missing Tiger Cub: A Forest Adventure.
You don’t need a lot of space, or materials, or even time or money to make art. All you really need is the desire. And maybe a few lessons, which you can find on our Kourses page.
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Danny Gregory is the co-founder of Sketchbook Skool and the author of many books, including his latest, Art Before Breakfast: The Workbook. Read more about what Danny’s up to these days on his blog.
Prashant Miranda is an artist, author, and teacher. He regularly travels between India, as seen in his Sketchbook Skool klass in Beginning, and Canada. Follow him on Instagram at @prashola and on Facebook.