
Welcome to the Skoolhouse!


We are excited to welcome you all to our new semester — and our new campus!

We have long wanted to build a virtual home for our skool that would showcase our lessons and your homework in a clean, welcoming design that was easy to use and rock-solid — and now we have the SketchBook Skoolhouse! Our development team has been working for months to launch this new platform but it is still a work in progress. We welcome any suggestions or comments you have about the new schoolhouse.

We also wanted to offer you a place to come together outside the klassroom, to share your art and your input, and to build friends with others with a common purpose. That’s the idea behind the Student Union, our art community. This virtual art colony is a place for all of us to collaborate, a community we will build together. You can join groups of common interest to discuss art techniques, movies, life events, you name it. You can find and meet up with people who live nearby so you can draw and share sketchbooks in person. You can learn more about your klassmates and their work, share your own personal projects, anything that will help deepen your passion for making art.

Anyone who has enrolled in an Sketchbooks Skool Kourse can join the Student Union — even those who have tried out our free sample klass.

On the Sketchbook Skoolhouse, we will share news and announcements within the Skool walls. Of course we will continue to publish interviews, tips and recommendations here, on Art for All, the Sketchbook Skool blog for all. But we hope you join us in our new Skoolhouse and sign up for a course here!

For those who have already taken SBS klasses and want access to their past materials in the future:

Your old klasses are still there on Ruzuku and you can still go back to them and look them over whenever you want. But your new ones, all the ones from now on, are on our new platform.

To join the new course, you need to enroll at our regular website,, just like always. But then you will need to sign up for a new account on our new platform. A brand, spanking, shiny new account. This process is easy and simple. When you enroll you will get a new user ID, a new password and new URL to visit to find the klass. If you sign in to Ruzuku, you will not find the new course. It’s on the new skool house.

2 mins

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