One of the things people love about Sketchbook Skool is how our teachers engage with students–they’re in our klasses, answering your questions and cheering you on. But we thought it might be helpful for new students if we had some old hands show them around Skool, so we drafted them as Teacher Assistants, or TAs.
How teacher assistants helped other students?
The response has been pretty awesome. Students have more fun in their first weeks when they’re helped out by people who were in their shoes just a few terms ago. “The best part has been having the opportunity to encourage students who were as nervous as I was when I first took the kourse,” says TA Helen Leigh-Phippard. “I was just like them, so I can reassure them that they will gain in confidence and conquer their monkeys with practice!” Helen and the other TAs are also getting something out of their extra work: “Things in Britain have been troubling lately,” says Helen. “On rough days, the comments in the Skoolhouse lift my spirits. They remind me that there are lots of good things in the world, and SBS is one of them. I’m very lucky to be part of it.”
We have lots of TAs in our klasses who are ready and happy to help you out. If you have a question about anything at all, just find someone with a special SBS TA badge. Want to become a TA? Email and she’ll walk you through the process. If you’re not enrolled in skool yet, take a look at our klasses. There’s something for everyone, at any level. Who knows–maybe some day, you’ll be welcoming a new student into this life-changing experience.