This week, we’re all about selfies—not the kind you take with a camera (with or without duck face), but the kind you draw.
There are so many different ways to draw self-portraits that the same person can look different every time. Sketchbook Skool student Louise Fletcher proved that when she gave herself a challenge to draw a selfie a day for a whole year. This week in our Seeing kourse, Sketchbook Skool co-founder Koosje Koene focused on seeing yourself, both as a subject for drawing and in thinking of yourself as an artist, with lessons on drawing selfies. In this Study Hall video, Sketchbook Skool co-founder Danny Gregory draws his selfie with his “fast and slow” technique, using gouache and a fine marker pen.
Give it a try, and post your selfies online with the hashtag #sbsselfie so we can see a portrait of the artist! And if you want more great lessons like these, check out our klasses here.