sketching on location

Urban Sketching: Sketching on Location at State Fairs


Today’s guest blogger is Sketchbook Skool fakulty member Roz Stendahl, who sketches on location frequently. One of her favorite Urban Sketching adventures isn’t urban at all—it’s the Minnesota State Fair, a big festival of farm animals, carnival rides, food, and Roz’s sketching group, the Minnesota State Fair Sketch Together. Here, Roz gives you tips on having a great sketching experience on location, whether at a state fair or other outdoor locations.

Every year, I go to the ultimate urban sketching location—the Minnesota State Fair. Located within the city of St. Paul, MN, the Fairgrounds become a small city packed with over 200,000 people and thousands of animals. Buildings constructed in the early 1900s, along with the unique attention-grabbing souvenir carts and food stands, the carnival atmosphere, and rides of the Midway, create a unique urban sketching environment. It doesn’t matter whether your sketching tastes run to live subjects or architecture or a blend of both—you’ll find everything at the Fair.

I’ve written a number of posts about having a successful sketching day at the Fair. You might want to start with “Dressing for Success”.

For the full list of posts advising you on what to pack and how to approach working in such a crowded venue, check out the articles listed in this post, “Minnesota State Fair Round Up”.

If you’re in the Twin Cities Area on August 26 or August 28, be sure to join us for the 9th Great Minnesota State Fair Sketch Together. We have meetings at 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and a map is found at the events page for 2017 Great Minnesota Sketch Together on Facebook. Rain or shine, we get a ton of sketching done!

You can be an Urban Sketcher; we can show you how. Check out our Urban Sketching kourse.

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