At Sketchbook Skool, we want you to get into the good creative habit of doing a drawing a day. In the short term, you’ll feel more relaxed. Over time, you’ll see your work improving. And in the long term, you can really build up an impressive body of work. Want proof? Watch this Sketchbook Skool interview with SBS co-founder Danny Gregory and Yorkshire artist Richard Bell, who describes the experience of keeping an illustrated journal for a lifetime. So inspiring!
You can do this, too. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s too late to start (it isn’t) or if you think you can’t draw because you have no talent (we’ve got a kourse for that; just click here). Start today. Make a little drawing, a simple sketch. It doesn’t have to be too involved or take a lot of time. At the end you’ll have your first in a series of drawings. Tomorrow, repeat. And the next day. And the next. It’s not hard; you can do a drawing a day.
Show us your daily drawing by posting it on social media with the hashtag #sbsdrawingaday.