Fakulty Spotlight: Swasky

Fakulty Spotlight: Swasky


Swasky is a fakulty member in Colored Pencils: Sharpen Your Skills and lives in Barcelona.

Q: Swasky, How did your creative journey start?

A: Since I was a child I have been drawing and creating. When I was in high school, I decided to study Fine Arts and during those years I learnt a lot. After that, my idea was to become an “artist” but I wasn’t sure how and I really loved photography at the time so I started a new degree in Audiovisual Communication. When I finished my degree, I worked in a production advertising company and it was crazy with unreasonable timetables and tight schedules for finishing up commissions so I decided to quit and I ran a firm with my partner. At that point, drawing came up again in my life thanks to Tommy Kane, Danny Gregory and Gabi Campanario. Then I rediscovered the pleasure of drawing and since then, I have been thinking about drawing as more than just a communication tool, but an activity for everyone.


Q: Has colored pencil always been your medium of choice or are there other tools you love?

A: I’m a restless person and I started using colored pencils by accident. Once, when I attended a drawing meetup in my hometown, I forgot my sketchbook and I asked a friend of mine to bring me one. He brought a wretchedly bad one which couldn’t take wet media, so I had to start using just dry media and that’s how I got into the colored pencils.


Q: Where do you create your art?

A: I mainly work outdoors. My studio is anywhere in the streets, cafeterias, museums, and beaches. This is what I love the most about drawing in a sketchbook: you do not need a studio!


Q: Can you tell us about one of your current projects?

A: Right now I’m trying to use my drawing for a project called Green Stories. This project shares stories about sustainable ways of life [including green architecture below], which is the only way we will have a future for those who come after us.

Even though he discovered his love for colored pencils by accident, Swasky is doing some incredible things with them now. We are so excited to learn from him in Colored Pencils: Sharpen Your Skills!

2 mins

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