Featured image by Danny Gregory.
Drawing is fun. It’s good for you. It’s relaxing, it’s beautiful, it’s…intimidating. It can seem so difficult. You look at a sketch or a painting and think, How did they do that? Not just technically speaking, but how did the artist get to that level? The answer is simple.
One day, and one sketch, at a time.
As Sketchbook Skool student Stuart Goss wrote last week, there’s no magic to learning how to draw. There is definitely a magic to drawing; you only need to do it to experience the feeling of losing yourself in creativity. The trick is, you have to do it to get that experience. And then, you have to do it again. And again. And again.
That’s how artists get as good as they are. Behind every great piece of art are a hundred, maybe even a thousand not-so-great sketches. But even those are great in their own way, because the artist did them.
You can be an artist. You can experience that great feeling that comes with making art. You have it in you. All you need to do is develop a creative habit.
Art Before Breakfast workbook lesson 1
Start today. Start now. Here are a week’s worth of lessons, including the Art Before Breakfast workbook lesson from last week, above, in case you got busy and another day passed you by. Lessons for the rest of the week are below.
Art Before Breakfast workbook lesson 2
Art Before Breakfast workbook lesson 3
Art Before Breakfast workbook lesson 4
Art Before Breakfast workbook lesson 5
Art Before Breakfast workbook lesson 6
These lessons are easy and don’t take up much time, but the impact they’ll have is phenomenal. Start today and by Friday you’ll have five sketches. It doesn’t matter what they look like; you’ll have made art. That makes you an artist.
Get a pen–a ballpoint is fine–and a pad of any kind of paper. Now let’s make some art.