Featured image is a photograph of student Shirley Levine’s collection of sketchbooks
We all love art supply shops and it’s hard to visit one without buying anything. Beautiful sketchbooks for example are just irresistible and you may be guilty of stocking up on sketchbooks faster than you can fill them. Some are so pretty, and can be so expensive that it can be tough to crack them open and get started on a page.
Some students in the Sketchbook Skool community get around this by making those beautiful sketchbooks themselves and binding their own. Just like with any art or craft, they see the quality of their books improve with each one they make, and have a unique relationship with the surfaces upon which they draw.
Best reasons to bind your own sketchbooks:
- You are less likely to be afraid to “mess up” a good book since you can make another!
- Your book fits your needs exactly. You can pick the size, paper, and even the way the spine lays when piecing your book together.
- Your book can have many different varieties of paper in it like watercolor paper, toned paper, and even found patterned or printed paper.
- You will gain a new sense of accomplishment when binding your own book and filling it with your own drawings.
- Your handmade books (with or without drawings) can make great gifts for others too!
We have covered book binding here on the blog before but as a refresher, here’s a few links to great book making resources and tutorials:
Sketchbook Skool Fakulty member Cathy Johnson: Quick no-sew folding journal
Sketchbook Skool Fakulty member Roz Stendahl: Pamphlet book
Have you ever made your own sketchbook? Post pictures of your handmade book below!