01/01/2016 11:59
Happy New Sketchbook Skool Kourse!
Happy new year! Skool is back in session, and we’re celebrating our favorite New Year’s Resolution—to be more creative—with a new Sketchbook Skool kourse, Expressing!
These exciting classes will take your drawings to a new level. You’ll learn how to use different tools, techniques, and approaches to convey the emotions within your art in richer, more meaningful ways.
Being creative is the one New Year’s Resolution you’ll love to keep—especially since a recent study showed that keeping a journal can actually improve your health. However, you may already be suffering from…
Creativity Myth #1: I don’t have time to make art
To tackle this creativity blocker, we went to an expert on making time for drawing—illustrator Michael Nobbs. Michael has chronic fatigue syndrome, so on some days he has only enough energy to work for 20 minutes. Yet he’s produced an art book and ‘zines, he coaches people in creativity, and he records a daily podcast, One Thing Today. And he’s one of the new SBS fakulty members in Expressing!
Sketchbook Skool co-founder Danny Gregory and Michael recently did this Q&Art video about making great art in tiny amounts of time. So grab a cup of tea and listen in—another myth keeping you from making art is about to be busted. Then, join us for Expressing!